Monday 21 October 2013

38 Week Pregnancy Blog!

How far along? 38 Weeks, Baby is the size of a watermelon (20in, 6.9lbs approx)

Total weight gain & Measurements: Put a few lbs on.. I am 20lbs up from my pre-pregnacy weight. Measurements.. not sure as I can't find my tape measure.

Maternity clothes? Got a couple of nursing bra's from Mothercare.. oh the glamor! 
Stretch marks? Non that I have seen.  Still using the same products as always.
Sleep: Not to bad at all.. the usual toilet stops during the night but I think this is normal for late pregnancy and I seem to be ok getting back to sleep after most nights.  So over all good I would say.

Best moment this week: Yesterday I was really tired and emotional, I just felt down.  After crying on my husbands shoulder I went for a nap.. when I woke he was just creeping into the bedroom with some beautiful yellow roses and a pumpkin mask (Don't ask I have a weird obsession with anything pumpkin) anyway it was such a sweet lovely thing to do and just made me feel all loved up and happy.  He really is the best! 

Miss anything? Nope.. I am cherishing every last second now as I know my wee one will soon be here in my arms.  I just know in a few weeks I will be missing my bump.

Food cravings: Non

Exercise:  Walking, bouncing on my birth ball and yoga stretches for my back.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender: Don't know.  

Labor signs: I lost my mucus plug about 5 days ago.. and at my ultra sound today the midwife said that baby's head is right in my pelvis but other then that nothing. No contractions or anything.
Movement:  Yes the rolls and stretches.

Symptoms: A bit of back ache ( I think this maybe because baby is sunny side up atm - so need to get on my hands and knees to try and turn before D-day) My pelvis has been feeling a little sensitive but nothing to painful.  Constipation.. ah how lovely.  On the prunes and all bran for me.
Belly button in or out? Out.. though it just looks weird.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy most of the time, though I have had a few hormonal moments. 

Looking forward to: Meeting my baby now..... eeeek I can't wait.

Extra Story this week: Last update I mentioned about my colistasis.  Well I have been on a medicine called Ursodeoxycholic acid and it seems to be working.  My bile acids came back down and so we are just trying to go into labor naturally.  I have a stretch and sweep booked for my 40th week and another at 41 weeks if the first fails.  After that they induce you before 14 days over anyway so we will see.  

Baby is growing!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Low Fat, Sugar Free - Carrot & Orange Muffins.

Since finding out I have a pregnancy related liver disorder called cholestasis I have been trying to cut back on unnecessary fats and sugars in my diet.   Just to give me liver a helping hand and fingers crossed keep my baby cooking till as close as possible to 40 weeks.   Having said that I am still having a little as I don't want to be 100% sugar and fat free and leave my baby wanting for anything.  

So as many of you know I have a real sweet tooth, so I have come up with this recipie so I can have my cake and eat it!  Perfect served with a little low fat greek yogurt I think.  Yum! 

What You are going to need!
  • 75g butter, melted
  • 2 Large oranges, juiced and zested
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 carrot, about 100g peeled and grated
  • 300g Self raising flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 4tbsp Stevia
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Ginger

 What you need to do!
  1. Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5.
  2.  Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper or silicon cases.
  3. Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl with a pinch of salt. 
  4. Whisk together the wet ingredients (apart from grated zest & carrot)
  5. Add  Orange zest & carrot gently mix, watching you don't over mix as this will stop muffins rising.
  6. Spoon into the muffin cases 
  7. Bake for 20-25 minutes until risen & golden on top.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

33 Week Pregnancy Blog!

How far along? 33 Weeks, Baby is the size of a cantaloup (4.9 pounds 19 inches long)

Total weight gain & Measurements: Waight gain is still the same 14lbs up.  I am not sure on my own as I am to lazy to find a tape measure.  But the fundal measurement taken by my midwife yesterday was 32 weeks.  So looking pretty good! 

Maternity clothes? Nothing maternity but I did pick up a couple of nursing T-shirts from H&M.
Stretch marks? Non that I have seen.  Still using the same products as always.
Sleep: Not to bad this week.  I have had some itching which I will go into later so that has kept me awake a bit.

Best moment this week: Seeing our little one was all good healthy at an extra ultrasound scan.  Also getting the cot.. its so nice, I love it :)
Miss anything? Still my energy..and crisps :(

Food cravings: Nothing lately.

Exercise:  Some walks and swimming as you can see from this weeks photo!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender: Still feeling it's a girl but really who knows 

Labor signs: Nothing
Movement:  Yes the rolls and stretches are getting bigger all the time.

Symptoms: Itching... on my hands and feet mainly but its often everywhere.  I will add a little extra to the end of this going into more detail.  As itching hands and feet is something to be taken more seriously and if any other mummy's are reading this with the same I really urge them to go for blood tests.
Belly button in or out? Still in.. but its tiny! 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Worried.
Looking forward to:Just knowing my little one is ok.. and on a lighter note I ordered some really cute safari nursery accessories.  I giraffe height chart, elephant book ends and a monkey clock.  So I am looking forward to those arriving. 

Extra Story this week: Last weekend I caught a horrible tummy virus and was really ill for a few days.  About 3 days after I started itching on my hands, so much so that I felt like running a key or scissors over it as the pain would be better then the itch.  Anyway I went to my doc and they said its prob just hormones etc and not to worry I was given a cream then they tried to send me on my way. I mentioned cholestasis and asked for a blood test but the one I was offered was ages away, I managed to get one closer but still not close enough really, I took it and went home.  
So after a few days worrying and the itching getting worse I called my midwife yesterday.  She had me send straight to the mother and baby day care unit for blood tests.  They took two tests one to check if my liver is over working and another to see if the bile acids were getting into my blood.  The first came back positive my liver is over working.  For now the second is ok but they say that this can show after a few weeks.  So for now all seems to be ok, this could be just my body trying to get back to normal after my illness or it could be something more.  The midwifes at Hull Royal were fantastic they checked everything was ok with the placenta too with a ultrasound (it was so lovely to see our little one was so big and doing so well, shame it wasn't under more relaxed circumstances but still it made me happy to see my baby)  Then they hooked me up to a fetal heart monitor to check movement and heart beat.  Again all this seemed fine.  So for now my little trouper is doing good, but I have chosen cut down on the bad foods that might make my liver work overtime.  Just the odd cake and my daily packet of crisps at lunch really.  I like to eat healthy anyway so its not to much of a change.  I figure every little helps and its always good to eat well.  I am back in for more blood tests on Friday so we will see how it goes.  I am just pleased we are able to keep an eye on things. 
Anyone with the same symptoms you can read more on it at the NHS website here...  please get it checked out. It is always best to be safe then sorry! 

Tuesday 3 September 2013

31 Week bump update!

How far along? 31 Weeks, Baby is the size of a Pineapple (3.9 pounds 18 inches long)

Total weight gain & Measurements: Still the same 14lbs. Waist is 32in and tummy is 38.5in though my midwife measured my bump top to bottom and I am right on track so I think it my lack of change is sue to where baby is hanging out right now.  I also mentioned that I had not gained any weight in a while and she said not to worry as long as baby is growing we are fine.  So if she is not worried I am not :)

Maternity clothes? Nothing New
Stretch marks? Non that I have seen.  Still using the same products as always.

Sleep: I have been so worn out this weekend so every night I have slept though I always wish I could sleep longer when I do wake in the morning.

Best moment this week: My baby shower... held at my home but hosted and planned by my Best friend Roxy.  We had a pink and blue theam.  I will try remember to do another post on that soon.  Also seeing my Sister-in-Law of course!

Miss anything? Still my energy.. and being able to breath.  I feel so squashed all the time.

Food cravings: Still ice cold milk... yum!

Exercise:  I have had a busy few days on my feel so nothing much.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the warm weather.

Gender: Still don't know! But at the shower their was a table for people to leave their guess on date of birth, time of birth weight, gender etc.  Out of about 15 guesses only 2 people put boy.  We will see I guess. 

Labor signs: Nothing

Movement:  Yep, and its starting to hurt... how am I going to manage another 8ish weeks.

Symptoms: Tiredness all the time.

Belly button in or out? In, but getting shallow now.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Really happy this past weekend has been fantastic.

Looking forward to: My wedding anniversary on the 9th of September I will have been married to my wonderful husband for 2 years :)

Tuesday 27 August 2013

30 Week Bump Update!

How far along? 30 Weeks, Baby is the size of a large head of lettuce (approx 18in & 3.2lbs)

Total weight gain & Measurements: About 14lbs so far. Waist is 32in and tummy is 38.5in I am sure baby is due a growth spurt. 

Maternity clothes?  I bought a couple of stripy items from the New Look website, a maxi skirt in black and white and a 3/4 fitted dress in navy & white. I know its late on for new purchases but a couple of the dresses I had got seem to be to short with my growing bump and although I am sure they will be lovely with leggings when the weather cools its still too hot for now.  
Stretch marks? Nope, I am still using Bio-oil daily and palma's pregnancy coco butter on and evening.
Sleep: Not perfect but better then it had been since I bought a dream genie pillow.. such a god send I love it.

Best moment this week: Taking a day out with my husband, we went to the venue that we got married at for a cup of tea.  Then took a little walk around an old minster.  It was just lovely to get away and out in the country for a bit.

Miss anything? My energy and working out, I try to get out for a few walks and to do some stretching but it leaves me to tired to do anything else all day. 

Food cravings: YES!  Cold milk.. I love it!  Considering it was something I didn't drink for years this is a pretty big deal.  I have been an almond milk drinker for such a long time.

Exercise: A little walking and some stretching, I stretch my legs on an evening as it really helps my restless leg syndrome.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, I am back on the tomato based sauces too.. enjoyed lasagne a few days ago.

Gender: Still don't know! But both my Husband and I feel like its going to be a girl.  Not sure why though.

Labor signs: I have had cramps in my stomach 2 times now... not sure if it was braxton hics or not.  They didn't last more then a few seconds both times.
Movement:  Yep, lots on a night time when I want to sleep and a fair bit after meals too.

Symptoms: Tiredness all the time.

Belly button in or out? In, but getting shallow now.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy the past few days.
Looking forward to: My baby shower this Sunday and my Sister in Law visiting from Australia. Its a busy week with work and a busy week with fun.. so sure I am going to be tired by the end of it all.   

Thursday 1 August 2013

26 Week Bump Update!

How far along? 26 Weeks, Baby is the size of a cucumber. 

Total weight gain & Measurements: About 14lbs so far. Waist is 32in and tummy is 38.5in. 

Maternity clothes? I have not bought anything new but did get some hand me downs from a friend of mine who has already had her baby.  She gave me a few dresses.  So yey more options :)

Stretch marks? Nope, I am still using Bio-oil daily and palma's pregnancy coco butter on and evening.
Sleep: Not so well, I have started getting aches in my hips from laying on my side.  They are pretty nasty.  Think I am going to have to invest in a maternity pillow after all.

Best moment this week: Going shopping for a few baby clothes, I have only picked up a few sleep suits so far.  But they are so darn cute!

Miss anything? I just miss feeling my usual energetic self.  Work I am finding difficult now and I am ready to slow down a little.  
Food cravings: Nothing

Exercise: This week I have been terrible and not managed a single workout.  I have had a few days on my feet though. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still not into tomato based sauces.

Gender: Still don't know!

Labor signs: No.
Movement:  Yep, baby's most active time is at about 7pm.

Symptoms: Tiredness all the time... and aching hips at night.

Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time:Been feeling a little better this past week.  Though I feel tired often and so I feel like I am being lazy sometimes.

Looking forward to: My busy season at work being over.

Thursday 11 July 2013

23 Week Bump Update

How far along? 23 Weeks, Baby is the size of a cob of sweet corn. 

Total weight gain & Measurements: About 12lbs so far. Waist is 32in and tummy is 37in. 

Maternity clothes? As I couldn't get into my account for ages there is quite a bit.  I bought 3 dressed from H&M one you can see in the photo above.  2 pairs of over the bump skinny jeans a dark blue pair from Debanams Red Herring and another from Mother care.  2 T shirts from Debanams one is Gray sort sleeves and soo soft and the other is red with little white dots.  Its also a nursing top o should see me through a fair while.  I also picked up a pack of 2 T shirts from Mother care in black and white.

Stretch marks? Nope, I am still using Bio-oil daily and palma's pregnancy coco butter on and evening. Re purchased the palma's pregnancy butter as they brought out a new formula and its so much better the scent is lovely now.
Sleep: With the hot weather its not been the best so afternoon naps rock my world at the moment!

Best moment this week: This was last weeks but it to good to not tell you.  But a few weeks ago my husband felt the baby move but it was such a small movement he was not sure if he imagined it or not.  Well this week I was sat at my home office desk and baby was kicking and you could see it through my top.  So I called him over to see.  He put his hand on my belly and finally received a big old kick.  He was so excited :-) Before the baby has always felt his hand and gone still.  So I was so pleased he could feel a proper kick at last. 

Miss anything? Enjoying the heat of summer.  Usually I am a summer person and love the heat but this year I am really feeling it.  Not looking forward to the 26c that I have to work out doors in tomorrow :(
Food cravings: Nothing really.. I am very boring I know.

Exercise: This week I have managed Swimming for 45min on Monday, Wednesday a 30min Power walk followed by a 20 slow walk later in the day. Today I did a 45min Yoga class.  But tomorrow and Saturday I will be on my feet for about 8 - 10 hrs each so I think that will be enough. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Tomato based pasta sauces still and the smell of carex hand wash.

Gender: Wont know till our little one is born as we decided to not find out at the 20 week scan. I love surprises to much.

Labor signs: No.
Movement:  Yep all the time more so on an evening when I am relaxed.

Symptoms: Tiredness

Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Its about half and half.  Though I am dealing with anxiety a lot.  Not so much about the pregnancy but more day to day life and work. I went to see my Doc and she told me its quite common for pregnancy to bring this out.  I am hoping that when my busy season at work ends I will feel better.

Looking forward to: My midwife appointment next week.  It seems ages since I last saw someone.  I am weird I know! 

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Long Time No Post!

Sorry for the lack of posts.  I have been unable to login to my account for some reason.  To be honest I am a little disjointed as I have missed so many bump updates.  They were kind of for my own personal record of my pregnancy.  Oh well now I am back in fingers crossed I can get back to it.  I will be posting a 22 week update later this week.  Till then ta ta!!

Thursday 16 May 2013

15 Week Bump Update

How far along? 15 Weeks Baby is the size of a Avocado 4 - 5in & 3 - 5oz

Total weight gain & Measurements: About 4lbs same as last week. Waist is 31in and tummy is 34in still.  Though I usually measure first thing but this time I measured after lunch.

Maternity clothes? I have picked up some black skinny jeans for work from Monthercare. But I got them in a size 12 and they are a little loose so I think I might go and swap them.

Stretch marks? Nope, I am still using Bio-oil daily and palma's pregnancy coco butter on and evening.Though I am not keen on the smell of it so wont be getting it again.
Sleep: Not so good this week.. I feel so tired all day but then I wake up during the night.  Grr its so annoying.

Best moment this week: Taking my husband into Monthercare we looked and some prams as well as other bits.  It was nice to see him getting excited too.

Miss anything? Ice cold beer! I am not even a big drinker at all. But now I know I cant have something it makes me want it more.
Food cravings: Nothing to report.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Tomato based pasta sauces still.

How far along? 14 Weeks Baby is the size of a Navel Orange 4.5in & 2 to 3oz

Total weight gain & Measurements: About 4lbs  so 1lbs up from last week.  I thought I would add in my measurements too.  I have never been super slim as I have a kind of short torso my pre-pregnancy waist was always between 26-27in.  Waist is 30.5in and tummy is 34in

Maternity clothes? Nothing so far.

Stretch marks? Nope, I am still using Bio-oil daily and palma's pregnancy coco butter on and evening.Though I am not keen on the smell of it so wont be getting it again.
Sleep: This past week I have slept pretty well.  I usually have to get up to use the bathroom once a night but other then that its been good.  I am getting better at sleeping on my side though sometimes I wake-up and I have rolled onto my tummy.

Best moment this week: Just seeing my little bump getting bigger so I know my baby is growing.

Miss anything? Still smoked salmon, as the weather has been lovely this past weekend I have missed an ice cold glass of prosecco. 
Food cravings: Nothing really.  I have been off chocolate for a while, but this week I have fancies the odd square here and there.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Tomato based pasta sauces still.

Gender: No idea,still think it might be a boy.

Labor signs: No.
Movement: I am not sure, sometimes when I am in bed when I first wake I feel like a goldfish swimming in my lower abdomen but its so faint I am not sure if I am imagining it.

Symptoms: All in all feeling better.  My boobs are feeling so much better now.  Just been tired this week.

Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: A bit down and moody this week.  This it is because I am tired.

Looking forward to: Still waiting to look pregnant not chubby!