Monday 21 October 2013

38 Week Pregnancy Blog!

How far along? 38 Weeks, Baby is the size of a watermelon (20in, 6.9lbs approx)

Total weight gain & Measurements: Put a few lbs on.. I am 20lbs up from my pre-pregnacy weight. Measurements.. not sure as I can't find my tape measure.

Maternity clothes? Got a couple of nursing bra's from Mothercare.. oh the glamor! 
Stretch marks? Non that I have seen.  Still using the same products as always.
Sleep: Not to bad at all.. the usual toilet stops during the night but I think this is normal for late pregnancy and I seem to be ok getting back to sleep after most nights.  So over all good I would say.

Best moment this week: Yesterday I was really tired and emotional, I just felt down.  After crying on my husbands shoulder I went for a nap.. when I woke he was just creeping into the bedroom with some beautiful yellow roses and a pumpkin mask (Don't ask I have a weird obsession with anything pumpkin) anyway it was such a sweet lovely thing to do and just made me feel all loved up and happy.  He really is the best! 

Miss anything? Nope.. I am cherishing every last second now as I know my wee one will soon be here in my arms.  I just know in a few weeks I will be missing my bump.

Food cravings: Non

Exercise:  Walking, bouncing on my birth ball and yoga stretches for my back.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender: Don't know.  

Labor signs: I lost my mucus plug about 5 days ago.. and at my ultra sound today the midwife said that baby's head is right in my pelvis but other then that nothing. No contractions or anything.
Movement:  Yes the rolls and stretches.

Symptoms: A bit of back ache ( I think this maybe because baby is sunny side up atm - so need to get on my hands and knees to try and turn before D-day) My pelvis has been feeling a little sensitive but nothing to painful.  Constipation.. ah how lovely.  On the prunes and all bran for me.
Belly button in or out? Out.. though it just looks weird.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy most of the time, though I have had a few hormonal moments. 

Looking forward to: Meeting my baby now..... eeeek I can't wait.

Extra Story this week: Last update I mentioned about my colistasis.  Well I have been on a medicine called Ursodeoxycholic acid and it seems to be working.  My bile acids came back down and so we are just trying to go into labor naturally.  I have a stretch and sweep booked for my 40th week and another at 41 weeks if the first fails.  After that they induce you before 14 days over anyway so we will see.  

Baby is growing!