Wednesday 20 February 2013

Jamie's 15 minute Meals .. YUM!

I just wanted to stop by and recommend a new favorite cook book of mine.  It's Jamie's 15 Minute meals.  As I am quite busy most of the time I like to have some good basic healthy go to meals that I can prep in no time at all.  But lets face it after a while you fancy a change.  So I know I am a little late on the band wagon but I jumped aboard and purchased this book.  I have only tried a few of the recipes but they have been amazing.. so yummy, light and nutritious.  Though I must admit they took me about 20 - 25min rather then the 15min I had hoped for.  But in the front of the book Jamie does mention that till you get a grip on the recipes it may take you a little longer which is fair enough.  20min is still less time then it takes to call for, and pick up a take away and it tastes way better.   Don't even get me started on the benefits on the waist line!

So if you are looking for good home clean cooked meals this is the book for you I cant recommend it enough.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Super Simple 5 Step Roast Duck Legs

After finding Free range ducks legs on half price special offer in Sainsburys I couldn't resist whipping up a slightly posher then usual Sunday dinner.. this easy meal really was the perfect way to end a lovely weekend. 

What Do I Need?       Serves 2 people

2 Ducks Legs
2 tsp chinese five spice
salt & pepper

What Do I Do?

1. Pre Heat Oven to 180c
2. Put ducks legs into a oven proof dish
3. Sprinkle with 5spice and season
4. Cook for about 1.5hrs
5. Serve with roast potatoes and peppers... or any veg will work.

Here is a cheats cranberry gravy.. perfect for when you need something that tastes a little posh and lux...

Make up instant onion gravy in a pan.. heat on a low heat till thick then add 2 tea spoons on cranberry sauce.  Simple!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Snaps from Slovenia

As you know last month I was in Slovenia Skiing, but the views were stunning so I though I would share a few.
A cute little Church.. I think this would make such a wonderful Christmas Card.
View of the lake.. it was so mirror still.

Me and my wonderful Husby!