Thursday 23 June 2011

1000 Awesome Things

So I was surfing the web looking for more things to make me smile and I came across this site.. honest take a read and see how many things you think.. humm so true and then smile.  :-)  I love it.

It inspired me to think of a few awesome things that just make me smile, I have written them down.  So when life aint so good I can check out this list and it will make the nasty things seem not so bad.  It's the little things in life that count.. right?

1. Flying over snow capped mountains (ok so this is off the site but its so true for me)

2. Smell of bonfires in Early Autumn

3. When walking off a plane into a hot place the way the heat hits you.. love it!

4. A good chat and a bottle of wine with the girls

5. Laughing till your tummy hurts

6. When you think they are all gone dipping your hand into the bag and finding one last sweet.

7. Finding that £5 you left in your bag from last year

8.Receiving an unexpected hand written letter in the post

9. Mum's, Grandma's (who ever it may be for you) smell of cooking when you walk into the house after a horrible day.

10. (for me the best of all)  Snuggling up to a loved one after a tiring day.

So whats your favorite awesome things? 

Tatty Bye Xxx

Wednesday 22 June 2011

We're All In This Together Poster

Hello ladies and Gents,

So is it just me or has summer gone a miss somewhere.  A few weeks back they were talking about the lack of rain and hose pipe bans all over and now it seems to do nothing but rain.  The sky is full of gray clouds and I am quickly loosing my summer glow. 

So i decided that today I was going to take a look around and see what I could find to brighten up even the most dull of days.  I came across this little gem.   I have printed mine off an popped it into a frame.  Sometimes a positive message is just as up lifting as the sunniest of days.  You can down load yours here..

I hope you enjoy it.. Toodle Pip Xx

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Top Tips - removing lime scale from taps

As any East Yorkshire lass knows its a real tricky one removing the lime scale build up on your taps.  Living in one of the worst county's for hard water lime scale seems to grow over night.  Well I have a simple method to remove it.  Take a hole free sandwich bag, fill it with vinegar any cheap stuff will do.  Tie the bag to the tap so the lime scale covered area is in the vinegar.  Leave over night or as long as needed.  Remove the next day and clean as usual.. voilĂ  a clean lime scale free tap.  This also works wonders on shower heads.

Ta ta for now Xx

Monday 13 June 2011


Well I soppose its time to get this blog stared.. after months and months of talking about it I guess its about time I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard as the case maybe.

So a little about me. I am a bride to be, the big day is coming up this September.   I am marrying the man of my dreams and I hope to make him happy for many years to come. 

As a working woman, holding down two careers one in photography and the other a part time zumba instructor sometime I can find that the house hold business can be put to the bottom of the pile.  But with just a few sneeky tricks here and there I hold it together and have a life.. I think!    So I want to share a few bits and bobs with you and perhaps pick up a few new tricks along the way.  I hope to cover everything from amazing foodie ideas to fun fitness tricks, life in yorkshire and travels away.   So make a cuppa, pull up a seat and lets get to know one another.

Tarar for now.. Xx