Tuesday 28 February 2012

Classic Basic Scones from the National Trust

Here we go round one!

After a good hour going through recipes the perfect way to spend my Sunday evening. I went with the National Trust scone recipe available "Here"

I found the instructions a little strange to follow.  After adding the butter I had a bread crumb texture when the recipe said I should have a light dough but after adding the milk it came together well.  I also cut the sugar to just 50 grams as I am always aiming to make things a little healthy...er!  I also baked them for an extra 5min as they looked a little under done after only 15min.  But other then that they seemed ok and did rise so thats a first for me.

My very willing husband and I took on the horrible job of testing and scoring... here we go. 

Height after baking  4.8cm

The visual impact   5/10  (nice colour after an extra 5min cooking, but a little wonky looking)

Texture    9/10

Taste   7.5/10

Total = 21.5/30

If anyone else gives them a try do let me know how you got along.

Sunday 26 February 2012

My quest to perfect the humble scone.

The humble scone an integral part of English Country living and something until now I have avoided baking my self.  Though I love those warm comforting little creations with a dollop of cream and a little strawberry jam on the side.  There is nothing better on a summers day with a cup of tea.. in a china cup of course.  But when ever I have tried to attempt them mine come out flat heavy and well to be honest a complete disappointment.  Now don't get me wrong over the years I have taken on board many different hints and tips.."don't handle the dough to much" " be sure to use a round cutter" "press the cutter don't twist it" and the hardest for me "make sure your hands are cold"  being into fitness, having good circulation and working in a hot kitchen are not a good recipe for having cold hands.  But you name it I have tried it and still .. heavy, flat, doughy scones.

So as this year we have The Queens diamond jubilee I have decided any excuse for a tea party right?  But I want it to be full of homemade goodness without a shop bought monstrosity in sight... though I will leave time for a trip to Marks & Spencer should everything fall completely apart.... WHAT!  This is called life and lies of a domestic goddess!

I have decided it is time to defeat my kitchen enemy and conquer the humble scone.  I will perfect it before my big tea party.  So over the coming months I am going to test a range of recipes and score them on height after baking, the visual impact, texture and of course taste. 

So if you have any scone recipes that you have had an exceptional experience with please do let me know and I will be sure to give them a try.

But first.. in your house is it a skon or a skoan?

Photo from tastespotting

Sorry I am terrible as this blogging thing... new post coming soon.

Oh dear.. I am terrible.  Ok I promise I will make more of an effort to post oh here.  Starting this weekend.  So stay tuned as something, I don't quite know what but something is about to happen.